Inside Secret Of Internetwork Marketing To Building Your Network Marketing Business


Imagine the next time you join a discussion about Internet Network Marketing. When you start sharing the fascinating Power Prospecting System facts below, your friends will be absolutely amazed.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of or Internet Network Marketing, or “Internetwork Marketing,” using the Power Prospecting System is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about this system.

Daegan Smith’s new Power Prospecting System was launched in January 07 and is proving to be everything it promised – A simple system to provide even novice Network Marketers with a continuous stream of targeted leads and cash even before anyone actually joins their Network Marketing business.

Daegan, a 24 year old bicycle courier from Silver Springs, Maryland decided that after wasting over $7,000 buying and phoning leads there had to be a better way. So, he set about testing and trying numerous different Internet Marketing strategies until he had found the ones that actually work with minimum cost, that are straight forward, and simple to implement to his Network Marketing business.

Using the “Funded Proposal” model he then packaged this “Internetwork Marketing” System in an ingenious way so that anyone who buys in gets the entire step by step process, and earn two-tier affiliate commissions for the sales of the products and memberships, with more products in production to come.

This means that the novice “Internetwork Marketer” does not need to create their own information product or promotional website, sales letter, lead capture page, auto-responder, ad tracking system to begin building their Network Marketing business.

Daegan provides weekly training calls that ensure you are not left wondering what to do next. He goes into great detail on highly effective ways to drive traffic, both free and paid, to your landing pages including, article marketing, forum marketing, pay-per-click marketing, ezine marketing.

He also provides follow up emails on a daily basis on your behalf that automatically builds a relationship with your list.

Daegan also appends each member’s signature and any URL they want to the bottom of each email to help promote their business. This means you, as a member, are getting your own profile and credibility built for you without you having to lift a finger.

On top of that each member also has the ability to email their personal list themselves from within the back-office and also export their list.

On top of all the above, the Power prospecting System includes several samples of different types of ads and articles for members to use and adapt at will.

The benefit of this System is to provide the novice “Internetwork Marketer” with a complete system and a clearly laid out process that will guarantee a steady cash income and a pool of highly targeted leads within days of signing up.

Daegan himself shows proof on his website of the income he is getting which exceeds $80,000.00 per month with over 6,000 members in his organization.

This brief overview however barely scratches the surface of what is available in Power Prospecting System so follow the link below to find out more.

If you have a network marketing business, it only makes sense to become an Internetwork Marketer and use the Power Prospecting System to build your business like Deagan and others have done and are doing.

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